To have completed Soul Realignment level 1 with me at least 3 months prior to requesting any of these services.
To have completed Soul Realignment level 1 with me at least 3 months prior to requesting any of these services.
A Free Review
When you select this option we review your previous SR1 reading, remind you of what 'Living your Divinity' means and see if you have made any subsequent life choices that are now creating blocks/restrictions we can now address. This may require a new 21 days homework script to address any issues. These will be added to any new homework you get from your SR2 readings.
When you select this option we review your previous SR1 reading, remind you of what 'Living your Divinity' means and see if you have made any subsequent life choices that are now creating blocks/restrictions we can now address. This may require a new 21 days homework script to address any issues. These will be added to any new homework you get from your SR2 readings.
Life Lesson Reading
What does your ego need to learn in this lifetime and how is that showing up in your life experiences?
Your Soul is Divine (Adjective: of, from, or like God or a god) and so needs no schooling but your incarnation may involve you resolving negative karmic patterns in the form of life lessons? These will draw people and experiences to you to give you the opportunity to use your 'Free Will' to choose how to react? Your choice and the results of that choice will result in the lesson being learnt by you....or not.
Negative Karmic patterns can be shared with other Souls or cause challenges to repeat in your life until you 'get it' so it is useful to know what is happening consciously so that you can make the right choices. Once the lesson is learnt, you will break free from the negative pattern, change the relationship with anyone that shares that pattern with you, release the Karmic block and 'learn the lesson'.
The 'Life Lesson' reading will tell you your primary life lesson for this incarnation and the secondary life lessons (people have 3-6 of these), what percentage they have been completed and which area of your life they are showing up in:- Profession, Finance, Primary Relationship, Health and Well-being, Personal Development, Spiritual Development, Friendships, Family, Rest and Relaxation, Physical Surroundings and/or Community.
Life lessons are not bad or unpleasant. They are opportunities to step into greater Divine self-expression and a more abundant human experience. Completing life lessons is a good thing, although sometimes can take lifetimes - if you are unaware of their existence. When completed, life lessons will usually be replaced by new lessons, so after your initial reading another reading at a later date will inform you of progress and make any changes to the original list.
With information from your Life Lessons Reading you will be able to live INTO the lesson, be aware of the negative Karmic patterns you may be following, and enjoy the learning which will enable a greater alignment with your Divinity.
Ongoing support
This reading is supported by a 30 minute online presentation of the findings which is voice recorded, an email detailing the findings. A follow-on call can be arranged at a time convenient to you to check your progress and re-check the percentage complete. Online support by text is available at anytime during this with a guaranteed reply within 24 hours of receiving your text message.
Life Lesson Reading: Price GBP 66/THB 3,000.
A Life Lesson Reading may be combined with other readings from the Soul Realignment 2 offerings.
Negative Karmic patterns can be shared with other Souls or cause challenges to repeat in your life until you 'get it' so it is useful to know what is happening consciously so that you can make the right choices. Once the lesson is learnt, you will break free from the negative pattern, change the relationship with anyone that shares that pattern with you, release the Karmic block and 'learn the lesson'.
The 'Life Lesson' reading will tell you your primary life lesson for this incarnation and the secondary life lessons (people have 3-6 of these), what percentage they have been completed and which area of your life they are showing up in:- Profession, Finance, Primary Relationship, Health and Well-being, Personal Development, Spiritual Development, Friendships, Family, Rest and Relaxation, Physical Surroundings and/or Community.
Life lessons are not bad or unpleasant. They are opportunities to step into greater Divine self-expression and a more abundant human experience. Completing life lessons is a good thing, although sometimes can take lifetimes - if you are unaware of their existence. When completed, life lessons will usually be replaced by new lessons, so after your initial reading another reading at a later date will inform you of progress and make any changes to the original list.
With information from your Life Lessons Reading you will be able to live INTO the lesson, be aware of the negative Karmic patterns you may be following, and enjoy the learning which will enable a greater alignment with your Divinity.
Ongoing support
This reading is supported by a 30 minute online presentation of the findings which is voice recorded, an email detailing the findings. A follow-on call can be arranged at a time convenient to you to check your progress and re-check the percentage complete. Online support by text is available at anytime during this with a guaranteed reply within 24 hours of receiving your text message.
Life Lesson Reading: Price GBP 66/THB 3,000.
A Life Lesson Reading may be combined with other readings from the Soul Realignment 2 offerings.
Click the button below to see the other readings: -
For more information or an appointment please contact me on +44 7788 972453 (UK) or +66 89 205 4106 (Thailand) or contact me.
Unlock the Wisdom of the Akashic Records
Soul Realignment is the Copyright of Andrrea Hess at