After experiencing a Reiki treatment and its benefits there are further steps you can take to advance your own personal healing process. Although your path through life is likely a very different path from mine, I thought I'd share the positive, life changing influences I have experienced so that you too may benefit should you be drawn in any of these directions.
Learn Reiki
Once you have experienced a Reiki session there is the option to learn Reiki. This for me was a life-changing experience that I would highly recommend. Please see the LEARN REIKI page on this website for more details.
Psychic Healers that made a HUGE difference to my life

Christie Marie Sheldon is an incredible psychic and an intuitive healer who I would like to be like when I grow up (PLEASE)! She offers audio courses which provide awareness, release blocks and enable your full, brilliant potential to shine through. Tears of joy are the most positive sign I have encountered and this lovely lady made me cry happy tears! changes the way you think and feel and gives an understanding of why what you think is very important. Based around Dr David Hawkins scale of Consciousness which ranks the vibrations of consciousness from Shame = 20 to Enlightenment = 700 Christie explains on why you must aim to live your life at 500 or at "Love or Above". is another wonderful audio course which removes the subconscious blocks to your abundance. These may have been picked up during your childhood, from society or even from TV and media. If you have been struggling to manifest what you really want in life, try addressing the subconscious programming which is blocking the energy flow. changes the way you think and feel and gives an understanding of why what you think is very important. Based around Dr David Hawkins scale of Consciousness which ranks the vibrations of consciousness from Shame = 20 to Enlightenment = 700 Christie explains on why you must aim to live your life at 500 or at "Love or Above". is another wonderful audio course which removes the subconscious blocks to your abundance. These may have been picked up during your childhood, from society or even from TV and media. If you have been struggling to manifest what you really want in life, try addressing the subconscious programming which is blocking the energy flow.
Teal Swan

Teal Swan is another amazing lady who publishes under This website has a series of texts and videos that answer some of the important questions that will be raised in your spiritual development. She is also the creator of channeled "frequency" paintings and kindly allowed me to use her "Dragon" as my company logo.
Recommended Reading for your Future
These are books with have influenced and changed my life significantly for the better:-
These are books with have influenced and changed my life significantly for the better:-

The Secret of Instant Healing - Dr Frank Kinslow
Although not directly related to Reiki it adds another view on energy healing, this time related to Quantum Physics. It is easy to read, experiential and provides access to a place where you can find peace, love and healing. It truly does open doors to a new way of experiencing life and to healing yourself and others.
Although not directly related to Reiki it adds another view on energy healing, this time related to Quantum Physics. It is easy to read, experiential and provides access to a place where you can find peace, love and healing. It truly does open doors to a new way of experiencing life and to healing yourself and others.

Dancing With The Devil As You Channel In The Light - David Ashworth
This is a must-read for every practising Reiki Master to the degree that after reading it I purchased an additional 6 copies for my Reiki Master and Master-Teacher friends. All of these found it informative and essential reading. David Ashworth covers the basics of Reiki: How to choose a Reiki teacher, information on when Reiki levels should be progressed and the energetic impact of those levels, psychic protection and the energies that may be encountered by Reiki therapists during a treatment and how to deal with them.
More information from David Ashworth, his books and his work on evolution and healing can be found at
This is a must-read for every practising Reiki Master to the degree that after reading it I purchased an additional 6 copies for my Reiki Master and Master-Teacher friends. All of these found it informative and essential reading. David Ashworth covers the basics of Reiki: How to choose a Reiki teacher, information on when Reiki levels should be progressed and the energetic impact of those levels, psychic protection and the energies that may be encountered by Reiki therapists during a treatment and how to deal with them.
More information from David Ashworth, his books and his work on evolution and healing can be found at

Gratitude empowers creation and changes your outlook on life to enable you to enjoy what you have and also to achieve what you wish. A series of 28 x 1 day exercises changes the foundation of your thought patterns to bring positivity to a new level. It really is Magic...
Click here for a YouTube Summary
Frequency - the power of personal vibration - Penney Peirce

"Frequency the Power of Personal Vibration" makes the link between science and personal growth. It is ideal for those wishing to have a better understanding of what is happening in the world today and to make the necessary changes so that they can rise above the chaos into the new "Intuition Age". The book includes downloadable audio meditations from Penny Peirce's website and exercises for you to raise your personal vibration to the new level, that of your soul.
Click here for a YouTube Summary from Penney Peirce.
Click here for a YouTube Summary from Penney Peirce.
Touching the Light - Meg Blackburn Losey PhD

"Touching the Light - What Miracles are Made of" explains energetic medicine from the ground up and is a must read for all energy practitioners. It details healing from every angle including "What Does it Take to be a Good Healer?". "The Etheric Body" and a great section on "Things No One Wants to Talk About".
Your Body Speaks Your Mind - Deb Shapiro

"Your Body Speaks Your Mind" explains the messages a physical challenge your body experiences is giving you with regards to your thoughts and emotions. In other words all physical illnesses are created in the mind and, with some awareness and work can be resolved.