I became interested in my 'Soul' as part of my journey to Reiki Master-Teacher. We dealt with healing past lives from Reiki 2 and I found the link between what had happened in a past life and the current life experience to be fascinating! After all, the past life had gone hadn't it? How was it influencing me now and even more importantly how was it possible to 'heal' something that had already happened and to then be able to feel that effect now?? Throughout my 5 years Reiki experience I worked with around 89 of my past lives seeing some pretty gruesome things happening to me and, even worse, me doing. I saw war, rape, murder, sacrifice, torture, witchcraft and black magic. I saw pain and trauma in every imaginable fashion and I was involved! Was this really me? Things we see in the movies I was personally experiencing although in less graphic detail and, thankfully, not so clear and video-like and minus the sound. It was all a little detached and faint and it would have probably have been dismissed as 'imagined' if I had not felt my energy 'lighten up' when forgiveness, awareness and love was shined on the situation. Something was definitely happening and it was tangible! I took the Soul Realignment course (www.soulrealignment.com) from Andrrea Hess in February 2017 and was immediately surprised at how complicated the 'Soul' was! There was much more to it than I had ever realised - and it was a little daunting. The course was 10 modules and very well written and organised and will certainly be an excellent example for when I write my own courses in the future. The Soul Realignment definition of the 'Soul' is that it is a 5th dimensional energetic structure that exists in a place where there is no time. This place has also been termed the 'Akash' or the 'Akashic Records' which can be viewed as a library of all choices and experiences in factual, objective definition. If you think of the Akashic Records as a library, your 'Soul' is a book and every chapter in that book represents an incarnation in a 3 dimensional World and a record of all of the choices you have made during that incarnation. The choice is the 'cause' and the result of that choice is the 'effect' which introduces the Universal Law of 'Cause and Effect' or Karma. Here is a picture of my understanding of the Soul and where it exists. Of course, this is a simplification as the real Soul structure is likely not comprehensible by our 3 dimensional mind. Enough to say that choices made in past lives may have created a block to us receiving all the energy that we were gifted at the point of our origination. 'Blocks' do exactly that, stop energy flow, so this made sense to me and tied in nicely with my Reiki experiences. my Soul-realignment readingClient confidentiality prevents me from publishing details of anyone else's reading so here is mine!
My Soul Profile My Soul originates in the Pleiades and has an overlay (a great many incarnations) in Arcturia. This means I have the energetic characteristics of both soul groups (Note: there are 21 Soul groups that can incarnate in the 3D experience and we will have energetic characteristics of 1 or 2 of those which can explain who we really are). My soul is 'female' meaning I have incarnated more as a women than a man. Maybe this explains why I enjoy shopping and don't enjoy football?? Joking aside, I have a Soul vibration of 5.7 which on a scale between 5.0 and 5.9 and means I am self aware and am in the process of actualizing or knowing the truth of who I am and what life is. There are 8 energy centers that feed us all and I am primary (dominant) in Divine Love and secondary in Divine Order. Details were explained in full so that with my Soul Profile explaining who I was energetically I am now able to make conscious choices going forward in life so that I can express my true Divinity and live within the flow of the Universe as was intended. My Soul Realignment ....but first I need to clear any blocks to allow that Divinity to shine through in it's entirety. For myself, I had one block coming from choices made in a past life and 3 from choices made earlier in this life. This was interesting considering the work I have done and had done on myself through the last five years of Reiki and suggested that self-healing with Reiki had already cleared many issues. For comparison, 4 blocks is the minimum I have experienced on clients with 8 being the maximum to date. Present life blocks are easier to explain as often clients can remember experiences that tie in with their Akashic record reading. Past life are more difficult to explain to clients but when I tell what impact the past life choice has on this life people usually can understand the link by relating it to current experiences. I will spare you the full details of my blocks (available on request) but needless to say 2 out of 4 of my personal Guides were 'negative' and taken on to get me through early life traumas. These weren't 'bad' energies but were running programs of 'miscommunication' and 'lethargy' taken on to protect me from experiences at the ages of 3 and 7 years of age respectively. These were fine at the time but would have blocked the adult Paul in ways that are now obvious and, in hindsight, limiting. I had 2 tears and 1 scar in my Golden Web (like the aura but surrounds the whole Soul rather than the physical body), the tears were sacral and heart chakras and the scar (a previous tear which I had already partly healed) was in the root chakra. These would have caused issues with belonging/integration, intimacy and manifesting (sex and money) and love (myself and in relationships), This damage would have effected every incarnation since they were caused as would the damage to my Godspark (a link to the Creator which connects just above the heart chakra). I had an etheric implant in the mental body of my sacral chakra running a program of 'self-loathing' - which would also have impacted manifesting and self-worth. I had made 2 contracts (1 of protection, 1 for 'soul mate') and a binding which would have all blocked divine energy and kept me linked to other souls from other lives. Thankfully no curses, vows, spells or pacts and no attached entities, all of which could have been cleared had they been an issue. I was also travelling to parallel universes and negative astrals while I slept, again draining energy and making me wake tired (a complaint I was aware of). All of these issues came from 3 present life and 1 past life choice (my choices) and resulted in a negative energy influence of 24%! Homework Once the stories were understood by my consciousness (this is done via a presentation in the case of clients) I was able to clear the Akashic records of the blocks (I do the foundation work for this for all clients), replace the negative guides with positive ones, fix tears, scars, damage and remove negativity which was then sealed in at a physical, cellular level by the 21 days of homework that I and clients have to do. The homework involves reading a pre-prepared script which takes 5-10 minutes every day for 21 days (21 consecutive days). Not too much effort to remove blocks to my divinity in my mind? The Results Everyone is different but for me the results were gentle, positive and in hindsight, rather amazing. I started to get more clients and more positive feedback from those clients. I felt more confidence, more opportunities but the best thing was a feeling of lightness and flow. Things have been easier since I was 'realigned'. That doesn't mean there will not be challenges but there is a different mindset to tackle those challenges. There is an underlying positivity to everything and that really does feel great. Ongoing Soul Realignment will have shifted my energy fifth-dimensionally (the soul level) and cleared blocks but now I must make all choices in line with my divinity on a daily basis. I must exercise my Pleidian/Arcturian gifts and talents (love and healing thankfully) and make choices in line with divine love and divine order. If I stay in ego (behaviour patterns of protection and old ways of thinking/working) knowing the truth of who I am, things will likely become more challenging as I can no longer use ignorance as an excuse. My choices from now on will all be conscious not unconscious If, however, I live my truth I can become my most authentic self-expression and that is a great opportunity for everyone. Life and it's experiences is the healing journey and for me Soul realignment has provided another step forward on that journey. If you wish more details on the process please click here Soul Realignment for you? Soul Realignment is copyright of www.soulrealignment.com and Andrrea Hess is its creator.
AuthorSo many wonderful awareness's are creeping into my current life I feel they should be shared and here seems an appropriate place. I will add things as they come up so feel free to comment. Archives
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