The insights below are, as always, great in theory but a little harder to live by. If you get there (which I do on occasions) it is a great place to be. This all begins with your personal awareness (i.e. watching and catching your thoughts), which, you may find, is rather a double-edged sword. This process, however, is what I believe they mean by mankind becoming conscious.
If you watch what you are feeling and how you are acting you can catch repeating patterns, habits, ideas, incorrect programming and behaviors that are really not necessary and sometimes completely invalid with your age, sophistication, knowledge and experience. Most of our behavioral patterns are learned between the ages of 2 and 7. How many of those are still appropriate to the person, society and knowledge that we exist in now? Incidentally it has been proved scientifically that your brain activity starts BEFORE an intention comes to your conscious mind. So if you conscious mind does not create the intention, where does it come from? There is an idea (which feels right to me and comes from Ho’oponopono - a Hawaiian healing methodology) that all intention comes from source (Spirit, God whichever term you prefer). At it’s creation, it is pure and perfect (and for the highest of good). Unfortunately it then has to filter through all the “memories” (patterns, beliefs, society rules, blockages – both from this life and at a soul level so from past lives too) before it hits our conscious minds. When it makes it that far it is often distorted and twisted, a shadow of the original. Then...the final filter comes in – Free Will! Once in our conscious we can choose to follow the impulse or not. If we can learn feel these ideas/intentions with our hearts rather than use pure logic (which is corrupt by its very nature) we can choose to “go with the flow” rather than stay stagnant or go in a direction that ill serves us and the evolution of consciousness. I believe Spirituality is the process of self development (from awareness's that then expand our consciousness) to remove as many of those “memories” or as much ego from your life to enable clear communication with God. It’s dictionary term is the search for the “sacred”. In my view the “sacred” is already there, we have just detached from it because of the ego. Once you are out of victim mode (ego), the communication with God becomes clearer until you can then become Divine yourself. Either of the 2 latter stages are when your life will start to be in harmony with the Universe and good things will if by magic (the magic of enlightenment the realisation that suffering comes from the mind (ego) and is an illusion ). My Insights over the previous 2 years from Reiki include but are not limited too :- 1. Accept and Let Go! Life will not be what we wish it to be....especially where others are concerned..... so just accept what is, how people are and don’t let your ego use issues as a place to hang negativity. When you are negative about someone else you are harming them (as negative thoughts directed at someone are a form of black magic and DO have an energetic impact) but you are also harming yourself (karmically and of course physically). You can actually feel this as you get angry inside. ALL issues which do this are ego based usually putting you in the “right” and the other in the “wrong”. You are putting others down by doing this and giving out negative vibes no matter how justified you may feel. Let it go! 2. Do not Compare or Judge Closely related to the point above. The mind (the ego’s only tool) uses comparisons and judgments in day to day life. This is giving YOU the false power to value things and people. The fact is that everything has equal value and when WE decide to value we always do so without all of the facts. For every good feeling you get from feeling superior from your comparisons you will get as many bad feelings for not meeting your own expectations. In fact, your ego just wants attention, it doesn’t care if you feel good or bad as long as it is all about ME. Ego tends to create stories and dramas around an event. Usually you are the good guy and the other person bad or wrong. Wars are fought because of these illusions so you can start to heal the world by removing them from your own life. Otherwise, with modern society using comparisons and judgments as foundations for our lives we often end up dissatisfied and alone. Drop these and you will find an incredible peace as everything really just IS. 3. “This too shall pass”. Energetically speaking, everything is in motion. Even solids are vibrating, albeit slowly. This implies that change is always in play so whatever you are going through in your life (good or bad), it will pass. Trying to prevent change or stop movement in a Universe that is all about motion causes pain. This ties in with the often used Spiritual maxims “What you resist, persists” and “Pain comes from resistance to change”. All emotional feelings need to be experienced (although you can chose to express things like anger in a non-confrontational manner) and released. Holding them in results in the energy being stored somewhere in your body causing a blockage. This can develop into physical disease usually in your weakest area or in an area associated with the repressed anger (Liver = anger). Blocked energy can be transferred (via soul consciousness) to future lives so if you are suffering now, it may have it’s cause in lifetimes past. 4. Universal Laws Basically we have created laws to stop stupid people from doing stupid things. They are usually based on common sense (the heart) but sometimes have inapplicable rules applied by people writing them from ego. Like the alcohol purchase rules in Thailand for example. We have to follow societies rules to fit in but in reality the only rules that need to be known and worked within are the Universal Laws. Please see Working within these will allow you to “Go with the Flow”. This in turn will bring harmony and peace. 5. Avoid Expectations Throughout our Reiki courses we are told to “Let go of Expectations”. Expectations are a form of control. All control is limiting by nature and by trying to steer results to what you think you should get, you are shutting out all of the infinite, much more amazing possibilities. As our expectations will always be within our limited perceptions that is incredibly limited compared to ALL THAT IS. Expectations can also be used by our ego’s to cause pain and gain attention. When people fall short of what we expect or we don’t get what we expect from life we immediately fall into “stories” and “dramas” as to why this occurred. This is a playground where negativity lurks ready to lower our energetic vibrations. We are brought up to have expectations, most of which fit within societies “way we should behave” which suits them in many cases rather than the individual. We are Human just try to “Be”. 6. Fear and Love There are only 2 emotional states. Fear and Love. Fear creates all of the negative emotions namely:- anger, jealousy, hatred, aggression, stress, sadness so if you are experiencing any of these, ask yourself “What am I afraid of?”. Fear is a reaction to a stimulus and creates a physical reaction (fight or flight). In most of these cases (90% maybe) the fear is not real but imagined. These states are a total waste of energy and an incredible weapon for the ego to trigger your mind to go into invalid patterns of behavior. A worry is a fear of something that may happen and, as such, creates an energetic vibration. This is where my favorite saying comes from: “Worry is praying for something you don’t want!”. You can use awareness to catch and deal with fear although it takes practice to overcome lifetimes of conditioning. Love is a more powerful force but often doesn’t feel so (due to the intense physical response fear has). In my experience love, unconditional love is an Eufeeling (a Eurphoric Feeling – taken “The Secret of Instant Healing” by Dr Frank Kinslow who relates healing to Quantum Physics). A true euphoric feeling is one that has no opposite feeling like our more base feelings i.e.:- Love has hate, happiness has sadness, anger has calm. These are conditional feelings as they need something to happen in order to be felt. Sometimes these feelings may cascade so hate may cascade into anger. Maybe they should be called the misery family! Examples of Euphoric feeling are PEACE, JOY, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, BLISS, ECSTASY. These are actually different intensities of the same vibration. They have no opposites, at least in their literal meanings. In a Reiki treatment one time I was taken to a state of “Unconditional Love” and was surprised that the feeling I had was total peace. It was marvelous. That experience redefined my definition of what “love” actually was. I had spent my whole life looking for a fantasy, an illusion of a high that would have been impossible to maintain. It fascinated me when taken on a meditation into Pure Awareness – a place outside of Creation where there is no order, no energy, no boundaries, in fact an area of “NO THING” that was pure, infinite potentiality that this state actually generated a feeling...and that feeling was this Euphoric feeling of PEACE. I experienced that it is this LOVE that creates all in Creation and everything in it. Amazing! It also gives a new meaning to Socrates’ “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know Nothing!”.... if you read it as “No-Thing”. Ho’oponopono Regarding Ho’oponopono (now that needs a serious rebranding!) my knowledge comes from a book called “zero limits” by Joe Vitale which I am currently reading. I like the ideas and it makes sense and, from my experience, actually produced an immediate physical improvement the first day I used it. Love, repentance, forgiveness and gratitude all rolled into the mantra “I love you, I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you”. Covers all of the bases I believe and it empowers you by giving you 100% responsibility for everything that occurs in your life – so if a taxi driver annoys you, heal yourself as there is something in you that needs healing. Heal your self for the conflict in Ukraine. Just repeat “I love you, I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you”.
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AuthorSo many wonderful awareness's are creeping into my current life I feel they should be shared and here seems an appropriate place. I will add things as they come up so feel free to comment. Archives
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